1000 hits and counting!

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

― Albert Einstein

Just wanted to say a big thanks to all the people who viewed, commented, liked and even follow my blog! I’ve passed the 1000 views mark and I’m really pleased! When I started this blog I has nothing to publish but Javisnail and didn’t know what to expect, so I thank you and keep it up! I love the attention! 😉

I believe anyone can write poetry, it’s as natural as your native language! Who cares if it doesn’t rhyme? Who cares if it’s nonsense? if it’s something you want to read but it hasn’t been written yet then write it!

This is why I write my poems! I’m curious, why do you write?

Please remember if you keep reading i’ll keep writing! Also you can now follow me on twitter @AmyRichardson7

The Limerick about Limericks

There is a poem called a Limmerick,
Which I couldn’t write cos I’m just thick,
On paper and card,
I thought it was hard
So I gave up and come up with this!

There has been a few Limmericks floating around today. Some of them are really clever! Mine however is not! Ha! I love the Limerick rhythm but I just can’t seem to get the words! When I get the idea in my head the words don’t come out. I feel I must write something about how ‘there once was a man’ …

There once was a man from wherever,
Who moved there because of the weather,
When it started to rain,
Words fell on his page,
But this happens to me, well, never!

I also have the problem of when I blurt a Limerick out I find an uncontrollable need to clap my hands, shake the jazz hands and shout “wahey”!

I wouldn’t expect any Limericks from me in the future!

The Curiosities of Colour

I had an epiphany,
It came to me last night,
To put it rather simply,
I have a question about our sight.

What if the colour blind are correct,
And infact we are all indeed wrong,
Has anyone actually checked,
If the sea has been orange all along?

What if rainbows were not bright,
But were just different shades of grey,
What if the colours of the night,
Were reflected in the day?

What if when we look upon a Rose,
It isn’t red or white,
Who actually knows,
If the colours we think are right?

What if crazy people aren’t crazy,
And what they see is there,
What if our eye sight is just lazy,
And we are totally unaware?

What if green to you is grey,
And black to me is White,
What if the colours that we name,
Are just figments of our sight?

Poet’s Tree – Shel Silverstein

Listen to the mustn’ts child, listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossible, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves then listen close to me… anything can happen child, anything can be. – Shel Silverstein


Whilst browsing through wordpress I came across the poet Shel Silverstein and his book ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ on the blog ‘Free Page Numbers’.
Shamefully this is the first time I’d heard of him and to tell you the truth, now I’m little obsessed! He’s fantastic and I think the poet’s tree fits perfectly snug in my blog!

The Untold Stories of Scotland


I set our tale, and from here we’re lost,
Upon the land of ice and frost,
Where myths lurk within the lochs,
Shadowed by the highland rocks!
Of legends, fables and History,
Cursed and coated in mystery,
On moors and mounds where thistles grow,
Or dusted in the October snow.
In the still, beasts roam and pillage,
And terrify their local village!

Of stories both new and old,
That of Nessie has most been told,
There dwells in water a giant eel,
Where speculation of if it’s real.
Some say it’s legend, just folklore,
Other say it could be a dinosaur.
But I for one would never swim,
In the loch for what’s within,
As if it wanted something to eat,
I’d rather it wasn’t my toes and feet!

Seen on dreary foggy days,
Across the glens the haggis play.
On Tuesday hunts with guns and hound,
They follow tracks left in the ground,
For 3 legged haggis raid farm and field,
Stealing sheep and oatmeal.
These pests found in burrows and digs,
Look a little like baby pigs!
I assure you they aren’t half as sweet,
But in Scotland they are great to eat!

The Kelpies or the water foals,
Feeds on hearts and broken souls.
They have the ability to change,
From glowing eyes and dripping
To women whose beauty seeps,
And lures them into waters deep.
As men they can never resist,
The seducing temptation of being kissed.
So stay away from rivers and lakes,
Or yee too shall meet your fate.

The stodge, well it goes best in pies,
And the delicacy is it’s tail and eyes,
These bits are usually best served,
On Hogmanay as hot h’orderves
For it tastes so succulent and sweet,
As it feeds on tatties and ripened neeps.
In the country you will often find,
It Sat grazing on it’s big behind,
Commonly mistaken for a giant rat,
With a little more fur and fat!

The Wulvers are the hairy beasts,
That’ve left the poor a many feast.
They say they are part wolf, part man,
And live in groups called a clan.
In the hills they’re in a cave,
And are not like werewolves behave.
The legend says these mighty boars,
Leave fish and bread outside your doors,
In preparation for what winter brings,
They leave to those, wholesome things.

The Grock is not said but sung,
For the ‘R’ must roll right off the tongue,
There have been many stories said,
That he’ll grind your bones for his bread.
That he steals the sleeping out their room,
And takes them to awaiting doom.
For Grock came from way up high,
When the beanstalk fell from the sky.
But be glad that there is only one,
For half of Scotland would be gone!

For those that live north of here,
Know these are what to fear,
So if you venture past the wall,
Heed that yee have been warned.

Kreativ Blog Award


A couple of weeks ago I was nominated for the Kreativ Blog award, ok so it’s took me a little while to post this but I must admit I have been really quite busy.

So this is what you must do with the award:
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who has nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

Ok so firstly I want to thank C. C. Charron for the award. I enjoy his art, his doodles and explinations make my day. He has his own unique style and it’s definitely one of my favourite blogs, so make sure you pop by and say hello!

7 ‘Interesting’ things about Me:
1. The name Amydot comes from my mum! She also calls me Amymoo and Amy toodly pop.
2. Other than English, nonsense and sarcasm, I can speak Spanish! Well I’m
Still learning. It’s a new years resolution from last year that I’ve actually stuck to.
3. I’m followed by a huge grey cloud of bad luck. This year alone I’ve fell down the stairs twice, had food poisoning, lost my house keys twice and been turned down for a dream job cos I lost the ability to speak for 2 and a half minutes! There are many other things but I’m still bitter about these!
4. I have a diploma in art and design. I received 3 distinctions, an A and an A* in college that I’m incredibly proud of but I don’t draw no where as near as much as I should do!
5. I suffer from night terrors. I have done since I was a child, I scream and shout in my sleep and I’m totally unaware of it the next morning! I haven’t had one in over a year but sometimes they are hilariously funny and other times they are quite scary!
6: I have a fear of masks. Especially kabuki masks.
7: Some of my best friends are guys and I prefer it to female company. I guess I’m a bit of a tomboy!

7 Nominees:
I love his nonsense and we’ve even wrote a poem together
2. A Plight of Poetry
Interesting and witty poems, looking forward to what is posted next! 🙂
3. palacioillustration I like his illustration style, perfect for children’s books
4. lifeasgood
I think everyone should read The monster ballad!!!
5.The Daily Mobster
Simply genius! I wish I was half as witty as this! His characters are so intriguing.
6. Halley Ann Schaub
A great blog with poems about everything! Well worth a read!
7. 30 minute fiction
A great writer so help send Nick to Cambridge!

Congrats and please send the award on! In truth I love reading a lot of blogs and it was hard choosing 7, this is probably why it took me so long to post! Oops!

Send a Smile…

Calling writers, artists, bloggers and creative people!! How have you spent your Sunday? your day of rest? Have you made someone smile today! I did…

I found out about a website called postpals this is a site set up a few years ago by Vikki. Due to ME she was made bed bound, during this time she received cards and messages that inspired her to set up the site so that children with chronic illnesses could receive emails and post from people from all over the uk and perhaps the world.

I couldn’t ignore this so I spent my Sunday afternoon writing up an email, and decided to send one of the members my story of Javisnail. This is a fantastic cause for fantastic people! So why not send smile?

Post Pals - Putting a Smile on Childrens Faces

The Anaconda – Edwin Morgan


Whilst in Glasgow, I was told the scots are very fond of their poetry! So I got on the cheeky google and came across this guy. Unfortunately this book is no longer in print and this is the only poem from the book ‘tales from limerick zoo’ that I could find! However if you know any more please share them with me I’d really appreciate it!

A huge anaconda named Mary
Was told she was wicked and scary.
She swallowed a village
Without any spillage
And said to them, ‘My, that was rare, eh?’
-Edwin Morgan

A Warning on Spontaneous Combustion – Stuart McLean


hey guys! I’ve just arrived in Glasgow, Scotland and I’m getting in the spirit of things with a Scottish poem! Mainly cos I’m bored in my hotel room and have nothing else to do! :p enjoy!

whisky is the king of drinks,
Renowned the world o’er,
But here’s a word o’ caution,
Tae think of when ye pour.
There’s a certain combination,
That tastes so very good,
But when it hits your tummy,
And mixes with your food.
That’s when the trouble starts,
For yer pleasure hits overload,
And half an hour later,
Ye’ll suddenly explode.
So there ye are in the pub,
Completely engulfed in flames,
And yer good wife’s dashing home,
Tae lodge insurance claims.
Well now that I have told ye,
Don’t say ye’ve no’ been warned,
So don’t try it oot yersel’,
Or ye’ll soon be bein’ mourned.