Kreativ Blog Award


A couple of weeks ago I was nominated for the Kreativ Blog award, ok so it’s took me a little while to post this but I must admit I have been really quite busy.

So this is what you must do with the award:
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who has nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

Ok so firstly I want to thank C. C. Charron for the award. I enjoy his art, his doodles and explinations make my day. He has his own unique style and it’s definitely one of my favourite blogs, so make sure you pop by and say hello!

7 ‘Interesting’ things about Me:
1. The name Amydot comes from my mum! She also calls me Amymoo and Amy toodly pop.
2. Other than English, nonsense and sarcasm, I can speak Spanish! Well I’m
Still learning. It’s a new years resolution from last year that I’ve actually stuck to.
3. I’m followed by a huge grey cloud of bad luck. This year alone I’ve fell down the stairs twice, had food poisoning, lost my house keys twice and been turned down for a dream job cos I lost the ability to speak for 2 and a half minutes! There are many other things but I’m still bitter about these!
4. I have a diploma in art and design. I received 3 distinctions, an A and an A* in college that I’m incredibly proud of but I don’t draw no where as near as much as I should do!
5. I suffer from night terrors. I have done since I was a child, I scream and shout in my sleep and I’m totally unaware of it the next morning! I haven’t had one in over a year but sometimes they are hilariously funny and other times they are quite scary!
6: I have a fear of masks. Especially kabuki masks.
7: Some of my best friends are guys and I prefer it to female company. I guess I’m a bit of a tomboy!

7 Nominees:
I love his nonsense and we’ve even wrote a poem together
2. A Plight of Poetry
Interesting and witty poems, looking forward to what is posted next! 🙂
3. palacioillustration I like his illustration style, perfect for children’s books
4. lifeasgood
I think everyone should read The monster ballad!!!
5.The Daily Mobster
Simply genius! I wish I was half as witty as this! His characters are so intriguing.
6. Halley Ann Schaub
A great blog with poems about everything! Well worth a read!
7. 30 minute fiction
A great writer so help send Nick to Cambridge!

Congrats and please send the award on! In truth I love reading a lot of blogs and it was hard choosing 7, this is probably why it took me so long to post! Oops!