The Challenge

Sign up for the A-Z April challenge has begun, leaving us with just 2 months to prepare, and this year I MUST prepare.

You can see last years challenge by clicking on my categories and viewing ‘A-Z April 2012 Challenge’. After finding and signing up to the challenge just a few days before it started, I left myself unprepared and most poems were wrote on the day in very little time. So this year I have learned from my mistakes and I’m all geared up for the challenge.

My creative cogs haven’t been turning in a while, and I haven’t wrote properly since around June last year. So the challenge may be a little more of an effort this year.

A fellow blogger decided he would get back into it by doing his own A-Z, and I’m joining him by writing Alphabet Zoo.

You can find Alphabet Zoo in my categories, they are silly and fun little poems, based around the idea of a zoo tour, and is simply just to get my mind working in rhyme again.

For the April 2013 A-Z Challenge, my poems will all be based on a theme. Last year my poems were all on varied subjects, and allowed me to write in ways I hadn’t before and on subjects I would normally disregard. But this year I have the idea of perhaps basing an E-book on what I write, and therefore sticking to one theme. But you will have to wait and see what that is!

So now you are here, snoop around, read some poems and have a laugh. Being out the blogosphere for a while I feel neglected, so a comment would be a treat!

If you’d like to follow my progress and join the Alphabet zoo tour, well Today is B! This will be posted later today, tomorrow will be C and so on and so forth. You can also follow me on twitter @Amy_Dot90

If you would like to sign up for the challenge visit:
Or follow on twitter: @AprilA2Z

My Stats from 2012

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 3,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 7 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

I Miss Writing…

โ€œA bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.โ€
โ€• Maya Angelou

Firstly, I feel I should apologise to my readers and followers for posting not even a word on here in over 4 months. I seem to have misplaced my imagination.

The sad part of this is I love writing, I could sit in front of a blank page with a pen (yes the old fashioned way) and hour later I’d have a story, a few doodles and a lot of corrections and crossing out. If I had nothing to write about I’d make it up and create little creatures like the love bug. But right now, nothing! My page is blank, my mind is negative and my poems are dark.

I was surprised to find, that although my blog has been a little quiet, my stats are not. I’ve passed the 3000 hits mark, I’m well on my way to 4000 and I’m still having views everyday. This made me pine for my pen even more.

I have a little red book, it’s full of notes, poems, finished and half wrote, doodles and ideas. I think it’s time I blew of the dust and shook off the writers block!

So I will speak to you all soon,

Bookish Reviews

Firsty, I am sorry for not blogging as often as I should, I have new job and I need to get used to that and I guess I need to manage my time a little better.

I’ve had an idea: to write a few cheeky book reviews, they will be in theme with my blog and will be ever so often, alongside my own writing. It gives you an update of where I get inspirations and my opinions as a poet, writer and nonsensemaker.

I hope you will find them useful/interesting and maybe share your thoughts!

It’s my Birthday!!!

Yes! Today I turned 22! I can hear old age tapping it’s toe around the corner and arthritis has already paid a visit and selected my knees as a future prospect.

Unfortunately I’ve spent the day at work! Check out me being the responsible adult! But as it’s a new job and it’s the type of place you can say ‘think it’s time for a cake and a cuppa’ it hasn’t been so bad!

I got a kindle! Mother bear gave me it this morning. It’s the perfect gift, and as people are always blogging and tweeting their e-books I can finally check them out so please leave a comment and a link to them!
Note to Chris (CpSingleton) I will get round to downloading your Jacob Bear stories! Have no fear my dear!

Have a good day guys! I’m off to celebrate the rest of my birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Y is for…

You, your interest, your support and your opinion.

Ok! So I’m cheating a little bit! This one isn’t a poem. I admit I’ve ran out of steam. Nearing the end and have 1 more letter and 1 more poem to write.

Its been a toughy! But I’m getting there and pleased to say, with the help of the challenge I now have had over 2000 views and almost 70 followers! So I thank you all right from the little bug that lives in my heart!

It doesn’t End here! The Alphabet challenge has opened my mind up into topics I previously wouldn’t venture. I have a few notes wrote down and would appreciate if you visit again and check out my work in the future!

My favourite part of the challenge was discovering new blogs. I’ve read some very interesting things this month. Now I’m wondering if you are a fellow challenger what was your favorite part or letter you have posted? If you are not, I’d love your opinion on the post I have done that you liked the best and why? This improves how I write and I take opinions as constructive criticism so don’t be shy! Share your thoughts!

Thanks again!

1000 hits and counting!

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

โ€• Albert Einstein

Just wanted to say a big thanks to all the people who viewed, commented, liked and even follow my blog! I’ve passed the 1000 views mark and I’m really pleased! When I started this blog I has nothing to publish but Javisnail and didn’t know what to expect, so I thank you and keep it up! I love the attention! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I believe anyone can write poetry, it’s as natural as your native language! Who cares if it doesn’t rhyme? Who cares if it’s nonsense? if it’s something you want to read but it hasn’t been written yet then write it!

This is why I write my poems! I’m curious, why do you write?

Please remember if you keep reading i’ll keep writing! Also you can now follow me on twitter @AmyRichardson7

Send a Smile…

Calling writers, artists, bloggers and creative people!! How have you spent your Sunday? your day of rest? Have you made someone smile today! I did…

I found out about a website called postpals this is a site set up a few years ago by Vikki. Due to ME she was made bed bound, during this time she received cards and messages that inspired her to set up the site so that children with chronic illnesses could receive emails and post from people from all over the uk and perhaps the world.

I couldn’t ignore this so I spent my Sunday afternoon writing up an email, and decided to send one of the members my story of Javisnail. This is a fantastic cause for fantastic people! So why not send smile?

Post Pals - Putting a Smile on Childrens Faces

Just a note to say…

Just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who has visited this page, I have been live for only a week and had almost 100 hits! I’m overwhelmed with all the feedback I’ve received over Facebook ect. All comments are appreciated, good or bad!

I am aware there isn’t a great deal to read as of yet but I assure you I am working on something special, it’s taking a lot of work to make it perfectly magical and I’m sure you will like it.

So to all you peeplets, my readers… thanks for the support! Hasta Luego!

Hello Peeplets

I once heard that “If there’s a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it” so that is exactly what I’m doing. It started with a doodle on the corner of a page and it blossomed into the unearthing of the imagination I had lost somewhere along the road ofย  ‘growing up’. This is the result…

I believe in pen and paper, some of the greatest literatures on earth were written in this simple way, and this is how I choose to write. I believe there is nothing personal about Times New Roman – font size 9,ย  It’s easy to delete an idea with the backspace key but there is nothing more satisfying than scribbling a page with so much frustration till even the paper disappears.

Ok… I am aware that this is the 21st century, I must compromise, so here it is – minus the spelling mistakes, scribbles, doodles and of course the all important cube in the top right corner of the page… This is my blog… My imagination (edited)