Hello Peeplets

I once heard that “If there’s a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it” so that is exactly what I’m doing. It started with a doodle on the corner of a page and it blossomed into the unearthing of the imagination I had lost somewhere along the road of  ‘growing up’. This is the result…

I believe in pen and paper, some of the greatest literatures on earth were written in this simple way, and this is how I choose to write. I believe there is nothing personal about Times New Roman – font size 9,  It’s easy to delete an idea with the backspace key but there is nothing more satisfying than scribbling a page with so much frustration till even the paper disappears.

Ok… I am aware that this is the 21st century, I must compromise, so here it is – minus the spelling mistakes, scribbles, doodles and of course the all important cube in the top right corner of the page… This is my blog… My imagination (edited)

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